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Welcome Aboard | About Underground

Underground Art and Design is an international publication and community for emerging artists and designers to spread ideas, amplify voices, gain critical perspectives, and provoke changes while getting more public attention.

What We Do:

  • Publish artworks, designs, and ideas of good caliber that aim to provoke changes

  • Curate online and offline exhibitions

  • Invite featured artists to share their ideas and stories on "Underground Voices"

  • Host online event of in-depth interviews and panel discussions with artists featured on Underground


How to publish with Underground?

For more detailed instructions and frequently asked questions, please visit our submission FAQ page.

How to submit my works?

Please visit, and fill out the 2-step submission form.

How can I get featured on the "Weekly Highlights"?

Each week, our editors will pick 7 of the best works to be displayed at top of the home page based on the following criteria:

  • The depth of the idea behind the work

  • The potential impact of the work

  • The level of creativity

  • The visual quality of the work

If your work is selected to be featured, you will also get a digital badge from us to honor your work.

How can I get featured on "Undergr0und Voices"?

We'll automatically send invitations to artists and designers whose works are selected for the "Weekly Highlights" along with the digital badges. But if you have something to share, please send us an email about the work and the content you'd like to speak up about.

Is it free to publish my work?

Yes. No hidden fees.

I have a project which I want to publish, but I need assistance in the writing/ it's in a different language. What can I do?

Please follow the submission guidelines on our submission FAQ page and send us the images and a short English description. If our editors like your project, we'll offer you a publishing service with a charge depending on the work.


How can I enter open calls for exhibitions?

For all the open calls from Underground and other organizations, please visit Artist Resources.


Is Underground Non-profit?

Yes. Underground is a non-profit. We would really appreciate your donation to help us provide better services and build a more inclusive community.


Is there a way to keep me updated?

You can enter your email on our home page to sign up for a weekly resourceful newsletter that helps designers stay in the know, be productive, and think more critically about their work.

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